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Welcome to Raven

Raven is an Alliance Guild on the Silvermoon EU server. We are a social Raiding Guild with emphasis on progressing through all major content. Raven is a long standing guild, established in 2005, our aim is to clear each Heroic tier, while having a good time!

We will strive to be one of the most upstanding casual and welcoming Guilds on Silvermoon. We pride ourselves on our social culture and always welcome new members. Lastly we have a mature community and we prefer our members to be 18+.

If you wish to join Raven, or would like some more information, have a look around on our website. If you have questions please feel free to have a chat with our GM, Belar (Baell#2894), or any of the guild officers. Evànne, Ilanas (Meira#2320), Endarion or Neffetitti.