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New Officer: Endarion

Today Endarion agreed to become an officer partly because he will now have the ability to demote or Kick Stev Mostly it’s because he has been with us for a good long time and has always been willing to help others and the guild. We agreed that he is allowed to go fishing in the summer, and sometimes in the winter Sadly, he has not agreed that druids are not food… B

Officer Meeting 16th August 2019

Present: Belar, Ren, Ilanas, Marianneke, Alaranna (despite weather)

Starting comment from B: I would like the guild to know that the officers have all been struggling, to varying degrees, with RL issues around health, work and personal matters. Please be aware that the people you talk to online might be having tough times outside WoW and think before you speak or even vent. We are committed to keeping this guild an enjoyable place to be and we ask for your cooperation and support with this task.

Officer Meeting 12th August 218

Present: Belar, Ren, Kessina, Alaranna

  1. Raid timetable Raiding opens on 5th September, normal mode We hope to be raiding heroic three weeks later ie by the end of September Please be ready for normal raiding by 19th September at the latest or you may not be able to make the transition to heroic and we might need to give your slot to another player who is more prepared. The gear you will need will be and average of 340 for normal (this is the gear dropped in mythic +0 dungeons)