Officer meeting 5th November 2023
Present: Belar, Endarion, Kalfrice, Warfactor
Raid team: we have 19 raiders at present and everyone is getting their preferred roles except Simon who doesn’t mind healing anyway.
We will start at normal with its drops at 459 ilevel. These will upgrade most of the raid. We will assess the normal difficulty and then decide how quickly we will switch to Hc. There is no ilevel requirement for normal but we reserve the right to set one for Hc. Please remember you can convert items to tier every two weeks at the crucible. Crafted items increase ilevel as well. Please use the M+/Vault mechanic to gear up. This is most important early on in the patch.
Recruitment: we would like 5 more raiders, 1 x warrior, 1 x Demon Hunter, 1 x MS healer would be useful and 2-3 dps. Feel free to approach players in-game as you encounter them, perhaps in M+