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Officer Meeting 27th November 2022

Present: Belar, Kalfrice, Nullfactor, Endarion

  1. M+ in DF will give increasing rewards up to +20 (but we are absolutely not asking raiders to do this). We do ask, as last expansion, that raiders use M+ each week to help them gear for raiding.
  1. Raiding ilevels will be set as soon as we know the difficulty of the first few raid bosses, so we don’t ask for unnecessarily high gearing for soft early bosses.

  2. Raid Tanks will be Belar (Paladin) and Warfactor (Warrior).

  3. Loot in raids will be using group loot. We are still able to trade at mid-raid for duplicates or changing minds. Please consider raid effectiveness before hitting the “need” key.

  4. Crafting has big changes with variable rarity mats, have fun.

  5. Raiders will all be set to trial until geared and ready to raid when we will promote to raider once again. If you have not completed the spreadsheet, you will be set to social until you grovel and apologise for your lack of commitment.

  6. Recruitment, we could use 3-4 more DPS and another healer, keep your eyes open and encourage our other guildies.

Let’s have fun that’s why we are all here!