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Officer Discussions up to 2nd January 2021


After a load of discussions around our raiding numbers we would like to make you aware of the following

We have made a Reserve Raider rank and set Holydoktor, Rainne and Maggiee at that rank These players are keen to raid and the officers are keen that no empty raid slot goes unfilled.

Please be ready to raid as the guild raiding requirements sets out: Feel free to sign and be ready on the night but also, count how many are signed so that your expectations are set at a reasonable level.

Please also have cleared Castle Nathria on normal. Do not wait for us to schedule social normal runs, please take this as part of being ready.

We want all interested players to be able to raid with us but we are not interested in having to bench people on a regular basis

We normally start to promote from Trial Raider after 3 weeks and this has been prolonged due to the festive season and our non-attendance-counting raids during that time. Apologies if you have felt uncertain or stressed about this.

Thanks B