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Officer Meeting 3rd December 2020

Present: Belar, Illanas, Neffetiti, Marianne, Endarion

Topic: making the raid team on the night

Using the prioritisation system you can find here: we discussed the nuts and bolts of applying this to our first raid of the new expansion.

Some have not levelled, some are recently joined social members wishing to raid, some are not yet geared. As expected, our number of viable raiders has reduced but is not down to 30

Main tanks and healers are considered separately, the prior rules will be used to guide the RL but he gets to make a balanced raid team with the best chance of success as he judges. Getting in to raid 1 does not change our prioritisation guidelines There will be some people who are disappointed, please be patient and understanding

We do not propose to run two progress raid teams but we will make additional social raids as we get comfortable with the tactics in time