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Officer Meeting 12th August 218

Present: Belar, Ren, Kessina, Alaranna

  1. Raid timetable Raiding opens on 5th September, normal mode We hope to be raiding heroic three weeks later ie by the end of September Please be ready for normal raiding by 19th September at the latest or you may not be able to make the transition to heroic and we might need to give your slot to another player who is more prepared. The gear you will need will be and average of 340 for normal (this is the gear dropped in mythic +0 dungeons)
  1. Raid Team Dhaojin is unable to commit to our raids due to his work commitments but will happily join us intermittently if we need him. We do have replacements available

  2. Raid addons Big-Wigs or DBM Angry Assignments Possibly GTFO Possibly Weakauras

  3. Attendance spreadsheet B has promised to assist with this

  4. Raid logging Sharion has been volunteered to assist with this Sapphyl also logs We just need some backup to make sure we get the info that we need

  5. Kess and the antipodes Kess is going to Australia and New Zealand for 7 weeks !! (13 burglars have liked this post) She hopes to get a raid in before she goes

We are better prepared and have more committed raiders than at any point since vanilla Lets rock the house!