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Officer meeting 28th August 2024

Present: Belar, Endarion, Kalfrice

  • Raiding: we have 25 raiders that have expressed their wish to raid this expansion but only one as MT. We will invite Cronus to act as second tank unless someone else expresses a strong desire and can commit.
  • Gearing: we are looking for a gear level of 571 to start raiding with cheap enchants and gems and such. Get these things done but no need to break your banks ty.
  • First raid: 11th September WooHoo WE ARE BACK!

Officer meeting 5th November 2023

Present: Belar, Endarion, Kalfrice, Warfactor

  1. Raid team: we have 19 raiders at present and everyone is getting their preferred roles except Simon who doesn’t mind healing anyway.

  2. We will start at normal with its drops at 459 ilevel. These will upgrade most of the raid. We will assess the normal difficulty and then decide how quickly we will switch to Hc. There is no ilevel requirement for normal but we reserve the right to set one for Hc. Please remember you can convert items to tier every two weeks at the crucible. Crafted items increase ilevel as well. Please use the M+/Vault mechanic to gear up. This is most important early on in the patch.

  3. Recruitment: we would like 5 more raiders, 1 x warrior, 1 x Demon Hunter, 1 x MS healer would be useful and 2-3 dps. Feel free to approach players in-game as you encounter them, perhaps in M+

Officer meeting 30th April 2023

Present: Belar, Kalfrice, Endarion

  1. The officers went over the raider roster looking hard at the requested roles and how we would stitch together a raid team. We were not able to give everyone what they requested, but we have a starting raid team. Flexibility, as before, is very important. Personally, I have given up my tank role for the good of the raid team and must DPS.

  2. The old website has now been lost. The new website has salvaged some of the old content, especially the Raven Cookbook!!

  3. We have our first draft at a Discord application process. George has tested it. We rejected him. We can expect to develop it as we go on.

  4. Please research the raid bosses to minimise surprises and save raid time. Thank-you. (edited)

  5. George is interested in recruitment, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please take them to him

Officer Meeting 7th March 2021

Present: Belar, Neffetiti, Ilanas, Endarion, Kalfrice, Violence (very quietly)

Mythic Raids: We talked around this quite a lot, specifically about how to do this and expectations and disappointment and gear and so on. The end result is that we are a HC raiding guild, and we set no targets for mythic raid bosses. In the prevailing circumstances, with perhaps 6 weeks or more until the next raid tier, with people still on lockdown and desperately needing entertainment, we will schedule mythic raids on Sunday evening, with HC on Wednesday. Naturally, no attendance will be taken for mythic raids, and we need to deal with gearing, interest and ability. Kalfrice will continue to loosely raid lead (his words) and Ilanas plus Endarion will assist with making the raid and dealing with preparedness etc. The Wednesday HC raids will be an opportunity for those who missed curve to catch up and get the achievement.

Officer Discussions up to 2nd January 2021


After a load of discussions around our raiding numbers we would like to make you aware of the following

We have made a Reserve Raider rank and set Holydoktor, Rainne and Maggiee at that rank These players are keen to raid and the officers are keen that no empty raid slot goes unfilled.

Please be ready to raid as the guild raiding requirements sets out: Feel free to sign and be ready on the night but also, count how many are signed so that your expectations are set at a reasonable level.