Welcome to Raven
Hello and thank you for stopping by!
Raven is a long standing Alliance guild formed just two months after the game launched in the EU back in 2005 and we have been going strong ever since. We are a casual social raiding Guild with emphasis on all social aspects of the game as well as a progression through all the major content. We have a relaxed but dedicated approach to raiding and pride ourselves on our social culture and always happy welcome new members into our flock. Over the years people have come and gone but the guild has survived and we had a great time celebrating Raven’s 10 year anniversary.
We do insist that your main character is in Raven and we welcome your alts but ask that only one alt be less than level 60 (not that levelling takes very long nowadays)
We regard ourselves as an 18+ guild and we only make occasional exceptions to this rule and all of these will be very close to their 18th birthday. We prefer not to be accused of corrupting minors…
Raiding with Raven
- Raven’s official raid nights are Wednesday and Sunday.
- Raid times are 19:45 - 23:00 server time.
- Invites go out at 19:45 for a 20:00 start.
- We generally take a 10 minute bio break around 21:30 server time, please try not to go AFK apart from that time
- Loot distribution is done during break time and then when we are finished for the day.
- Raiders should maintain an 75% attendance level over a month
- Always sign up as early as possible for each raid on the guild website, including setting your role
- If you know you might or cannot attend a raid, always sign out on the Discord - it shows you’re still engaging with the team
- Individual circumstances will always be taken into consideration for temporary attendance changes, just let an Officer know roughly what’s going on, or simply make a post about it on the forums.
- If you’re late and haven’t told us, do not automatically expect an invitation to join the raid, make contact and ask if you can help (be aware that chat windows can scroll past quite quickly while the team is raiding, you may need to try to be “heard” a few times before you get noticed.)
Be prepared
- Have your character online, outside the raid instance portal at invites time. Do not always expect a summon.
- Have a good supply of consumables available before the raid. This means the correct flasks for your character, at least two stacks of the correct potions, and personal stat buff food. Preferably also carry a stack of augment runes.
- Be fully gemmed and enchanted.
- Have sufficient gear levels and skill playing your character for the content difficulty.
- Be familiar with each of the boss fights and what you are expected to be responsible for during the encounter. Play LFR. Read tactics. Watch videos. Learn.
- Accordingly there are pages you can visit to help you out : https://www.wowhead.com/ , https://www.icy-veins.com/ , https://bloodmallet.com/.
- We use personal loot, we offer what you do not need to your fellow guildies at the start of the raid break.
Addons and voice comms
- You must be on Discord and be able to understand spoken and screamed English.
- Ideally you should also be able to speak. Please set up a push to talk key or mouse binding to avoid accidental broadcasts.
- You can download Discord client from here.
- During a boss fight, please do not speak unless you have something critical to say. It can get very confusing if a lot of people are saying things all at the same time.
- You must have up to date boss mods from either Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) or BigWigs (DBM, BigWigs)
- Please install Angry Assignments - we use this on most boss fights.
- If you’re prone to standing in fire, we urge you to install GTFO or similar.
- Additionally you can install those addons to help you out : https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/weakauras-2 / https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details (those are not required)
You are welcome to pug, but not encouraged, but do not expect a raid spot during progress.
Lastly we have a mature community and to try and keep it that way we prefer our members to be 18+
So if you wish to chat about anything our little guild has to offer, or would like some more information, speak to one of our officers.
Belar (GM), Evànne, Kalfrice and Endarion